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Rose’s Bookhouse has partnered with Kobo to bring you the best in eReading. It’s easy to get started! Kobo offers over 4 million eBook titles–including best sellers, hidden gems, Indie Next List great reads and other recommendations–that can be downloaded instantly over WiFi, making it the ultimate in convenience.
If you already use an Android, Apple (ipad, iphone) or Kindle Fire device for your e-reading pleasure you do NOT need to purchase anything additional to support Rose’s Bookhouse!
~~For Android products (Samsung/Sony/Nexus & many more):
1. Sign up for your Kobo Account (you MUST use this link to create your Kobo account in order to insure your Kobo Account is connected to Rose’s Bookhouse).
2. On your device go to the google play app store and download the FREE Kobo app.
3. Sign into the Kobo app with the e-mail/password you used to create your Kobo Account from our website.
4. Browse & buy & read directly from the app or go to to browse & buy (sometimes it is easier to look around for new/different books from the website vs the app), then go to the kobo app and read and read and read and read…well, you get the point!
~~For Apple products (ipad/iphone):
1. Sign up for your Kobo Account (you MUST use this link to create your Kobo account in order to insure your Kobo Account is connected to Rose’s Bookhouse).
2. From your device or any desktop go to to browse & buy.
3. On your device go to the itunes store and download the FREE Kobo app.
4. Sign into the Kobo app with the e-mail/password you used to create your Kobo account from our website and read and read and read and read…well, you get the point!
~~For Kindle Fire (older kindles are not compatible):
1. A Kindle Fire is an Android based device, but you can only get apps from the Amazon app store and they do not (of course) give you access to Kobo’s FREE app because they only want you to purchase Amazon based products.
2. The good news–we can do some techie magic and manually place the FREE Kobo app on your Kindle Fire so you can support Rose’s Bookhouse!
3. Adding the Kobo app on to your Kindle Fire only takes 10-15 mins if the store is not busy. The owner, Wendy, is the only person who performs this service. You can call the store at 636-272-5857 to make an appointment. If you’re unable to make an appointment you can call or come by, but please understand there may be a bit of a wait.
Why Kobo?
10 million book lovers around the world have embraced Kobo eReading. Just like us, Kobo is passionate about books. Find out why:
- Kobo eReading Catalog
Kobo has a world-class eReading catalog with over 4 million eBook titles. When you create an account with Kobo you can shop for books just like you would in our store. Just follow the link! - Kobo Free eReading Apps
Kobo is all about being open so you can read however you want. Once you download their free app to your smartphone, desktop, or tablet, your eBooks, PDFs, ePubs, and even your bookmarks, are in sync – start on one device and pick up on another and never lose your place. Set up your Kobo account through our link so that when you purchase eBooks you are supporting this store. - Kobo Ease of Use and Customer Care
The Kobo experience is flexible, easy, and enjoyable. Pick up great indie-recommended and bestseller eBook titles, as well as staff picks. Got questions? Kobo offers first-rate Reader support from 8:00 a.m. to midnight (ET) every day. - A Kobo eReader for Everyone
Kobo has released a line of new eReading devices, including Kobo Aura and Kobo Aura HD. These devices offer everything you already love about reading, like a no-glare E Ink screen that displays like print on paper. But with a Kobo eReader you get way more convenience like storage – both Kobo Aura and Kobo Aura HD can store up to 3,000 eBooks out of the box, and the easy and accessibility of downloading over built in Wi-Fi. Once you’ve set up a Kobo account through our link, with each Kobo eBook you purchase, you are supporting this store .
How Do I Get Started Buying eBooks?
It’s as easy as One, Two, Three:
- Set up your Kobo account through this link at, or via your Kobo Mini, Glo or Arc eReader bought from our store. (You MUST use this link to create your Kobo account in order to insure your ebook purchases connect to Rose’s Bookhouse.
- Login to with your new account to browse, search for and buy eBooks.
- Start reading! Download a free Kobo reading App here to read on your smartphone, computer, or tablet. You can also purchase eBooks through the app. Sign into the app with your new Kobo account and continue to support Rose’s Bookhouse!
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